Sunday, March 13, 2022

Spring Forward

 Up and out of bed at 6:30 A.M., but it's really 7:30!

It's that time of year when we lose an hour and set our clocks ahead for Daylight Saving Time... also known as Summer Time in some countries.  Well, it's not summer... it's not even officially spring!  There's still snow on the ground!

The time change does not really bother me physically as it does some people.  I guess with all the trips I take to and from Mexico, I am used to losing or gaining an hour.  But I do hate changing all the clocks.  Last autumn I never bothered to change the clock in the car.  Now it will be the correct time again.

Another annoyance is that the whole world does not change their clocks on the same date.  Mexico will not spring forward until the first weekend in April, so for three weeks there will be a two-hour time difference between Cleveland, Ohio, and Mexico City.  That means Alejandro will probably be calling me on Skype an hour later.  Most of Europe changes to Summer Time two weeks from now on March 27th.  I am supposed to Skype with my cousin in England next week, so the time difference will be only four hours instead the usual five.

Well, excuse me.  It's time for me to have breakfast and then go change the clocks.

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