Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Ready for a Fourth Jab

(image taken from the web)

Yesterday the CDC approved the administration of a second COVID booster shot for those who are over fifty and who received their first booster at least four months ago.  Well, I am way over fifty, and I got my first booster on November 26th of last year, just over four months ago.  I wondered if I would be able get the shot before I leave on my trip back to Mexico next week.  I looked at the website for the pharmacy of Giant Eagle supermarket chain, which is where I received all my previous shots.  It said that walk-ins were welcome for COVID vaccinations at all Giant Eagle pharmacies.  I wondered if I might be able to simply go to my nearby store and get a shot today.  

I went to the nearest store and asked the clerk if I could get the booster.  She said that the website had not been updated since yesterday's CDC announcement.  The pharmacists are meeting to come up with a plan for the administration of the latest round of shots.  She said that I should call on Monday, and perhaps I would be able to get my fourth shot of Moderna before I leave.  


  1. I received Pfizer and had no issues aside from a sore arm. Someone I know had a heart attack within a few months of getting their shot (I don't know which dosage) and insists that the booster was to blame. Who can say?

    BTW this is the first time I've been able to comment successfully in awhile. I would always complete the image captcha, and then...nothing.

    Hope you are well, and wishing you safe travels!

    1. Good to hear from you. Sorry you were unable to comment on previous attempts.
      It's 24 hours since I got my 4th shot, and still no issues.
