Tuesday, March 8, 2022

From Snow to Rain

As I mentioned last week, the weather in Ohio is very changeable, especially during the fickle month of March.  Two days after I returned from Mexico, we had snow.  Two days later we had high temperatures approaching 70 F, and I was to go outside and do a bit of work in the yard.  Then Sunday night, after the warm weekend, it must have rained heavily (I didn't even hear it) because this is what I saw when I awoke on Monday morning... 

The pond in the backyard has partially receded, but I don't think that I will be doing any yard work for a while.  By Friday we could have snow again.


  1. There was a dusting of snow on my deck when I woke up this morning.

    1. I didn't see any here. Of course, I'm farther to the west, away from the "snow belt".
