Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Flying North

Yesterday I flew home to Ohio.  My flight from Mexico City International Airport pulled away from the gate right on time.  As always, at that airport which has reached capacity, there is a wait on the tarmac for our turn to take off.

In this (not very good) photo, you can barely make out through the smog the silhouettes of the volcanoes "Izta" (left) and "Popo" (right).


Finally, we took off.  You can see in this video the long line of planes waiting their turn behind us.

The swath of green is the Bosque de San Juan de Aragón, a large public park just a few blocks from where Alejandro lives.

As we left Mexico City behind, I saw something that I had not photographed before on my departures from the airport... the archaeological site of Teotihuacán.

The ruins of this ancient city are located about thirty miles north of Mexico City.  Stretching across the photo you can see the main thoroughfare, the so-called Avenue of the Dead, which extends from the "Ciudadela" (Fortress) on the left, past the Pyramid of the Sun, to the Pyramid of the Moon on the right.

Zooming in on the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon.

Once we were in the air, it was less than two hours before we were beginning our descent to Houston.

I had a four-hour layover in Houston.  I used that time to read, to work on the blog, and to do my daily German lesson on Duolingo.  However, my layover turned out to be even longer.  My flight to Cleveland was forty minutes late in departing.

The flight from Houston to Cleveland is longer than the flight from Mexico City to Houston.  During that time I was able to finish the book I was reading.  

The plane circled out over Lake Erie as we made our final approach to Cleveland airport at twilight.

And so another trip came to an end.  However, in just five weeks I will return once again to Mexico.


  1. Oh my goodness, you are already home! Where does the time go? I will have to take time to read the posts while you were in CDMX.

    1. Yes, I am home, but soon will return. I would have liked to have stayed, but doctor and dentist appointments and filing income tax called me home.
