Thursday, March 24, 2022

A Bunch of Retired Teachers

Every month there is a luncheon get-together at an area restaurant for retired teachers from the school district where I taught.  For many years I never attended because I thought it was just for the ladies, but I was told that men are welcome... and a guy or two will occasionally attend.  I have been to a couple of these luncheons, but, of course, with my travel schedule, I am often not in town.  The monthly get-togethers were suspended for quite a while due to the pandemic, but they have resumed.  

The March luncheon was last Tuesday, and I attended.  I have to admit that I was a bit nervous.  This was the first time that I had been inside a public space without a face mask for quite a while.  I still wear my mask, even if I am in the minority.  I am so used to it that I feel naked without it.  In Mexico masks are required for entering any public building, most people even wear them outside, and down there I was able to dine "al fresco" at restaurants.  

Attendance was rather low at this month's gathering.  There were only seven of us, and, yes, I was the lone male. 

There were a couple of former teachers whom I had not seen in years, probably not since before I retired.  Two are close friends of mine.  Third from the left is Carol who was 
chairperson of the foreign language department.  Second from the left is Nancy who taught math.  She has made frequent appearances on this blog because she and her husband Fred traveled with me to Mérida, Yucatán and to Mexico City. 

It was nice to see everyone.  I won't be able to attend next month's luncheon because I will be in Mexico again... but maybe in May.


  1. I had Ms. S for precalc and calc. It's good to see her looking so well. If you see her again, tell her I said Hi, though she probably wouldn't remember me. 1994 was a long time ago.

    1. I am going to see her next week, and I will tell her that you said hello. I wouldn't be so sure that she doesn't remember you.
