

Monday, January 11, 2021

More Political Stuff

There is nothing comical about the horrendous attack on the Capitol last week.  Nevertheless I confess that these items which were sent to me gave me a guilty chuckle.

Helen, the wife of my Swiss cousin Walter, sent me this image which was published on the day of the insurrection.  I, in turn, forwarded it to Alejandro in Mexico, and it gave him a laugh also.

I will have to translate this one for my non-Spanish speaking readers.  It was sent to me by Alejandro.  

"Trump announces that he is retiring from the Republican Party and creating his new party... Güera - the Hope of the USA  (the word 'güero' or 'güera' is a slang Mexican word used to refer to a person with light colored hair.  I suppose you could translate it as 'blondie')... which means 'Universal United Statesian Guardian of American Regeneration'."

My friend Cliff sent me this...

Sorry for the rough language, but it's no worse than my constant use of the word "pendejo" on this blog.  And speaking of "pendejos", here is the latest inductee into the "Pendejo" Club...

The insurrectionist in this somewhat blurry photo is Robert Keith Packer from Virginia.  On the day that he stormed the Capitol he was wearing a tee-shirt that said "Camp Auschwitz".  Beneath the skull are the words "Work Brings Freedom", a loose translation of the infamous sign "Arbeit macht frei" that stood at the entrance to the extermination camp.  Packer has been convicted three times for DUIs and has a felony conviction for forging public records.

A sterling example of a Trump supporter.  Packer, when you are hauled off to jail, hold your chin up high and remember that "Herr Pendejo" loves you and thinks you are special!

I apologize for the fact that for the past week my blog has been stridently political.  But last week's attack on the Capitol was an unprecedented event.  I have not felt so much fear for my country and outrage since 9 / 11, and this blog was an outlet to vent.  For the next few days my blog will revert to its kinder, gentler self (barring any further atrocities from the "pendejo" or his cult followers). 


  1. No need to apologize. Most agree.

    1. Thanks. But sadly there is a big chunk of the population that does not agree.
