Monday, April 8, 2019

Tomorrow Is the Day

Twenty four hours from now I will be at Cleveland airport waiting for my flight to Houston.  From there I will fly once again to Mexico City.  I will spend a little over a month there, and I will stay at the same condo that I have been renting for the past two years.  I will be there in time for Alejandro's birthday, and as part of the celebration we have tickets for "Les Miserables".  (It has been playing for the past several months at one of the Mexico City theaters, and we have been meaning to see it.)  We will observe Easter in a "gringo" fashion with an Easter egg hunt for Alejandro's nephew Ezra.  (I have the plastic eggs and several bags of candy packed in my suitcase.)  After Easter two friends of mine, Cliff and Jeramie, are coming down for a week.  I will once again be playing "tour guide" in Mexico City. 

It should be another fun trip, and the month will certainly fly by again. 


  1. Bienvenidos my friend. Enjoy your month in CDMX!

    1. Gracias, Barbara! I am waiting for my flight from Houston to Mexico City as I write this.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Meredith! Wish that you and Chuck were with me. Someday I will have to show you the sights in Mexico City.
