Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Floral Paradise

I have written several times here about Mexico City's Jamaica Market where you will find over 1000 vendors' stands selling more than 5000 different types of flowers and plants.  When I first went there some years ago, I thought that it was one of the most amazing places in the city... but a place that is rarely visited by tourists.

Last October I took my friends Nancy and Fred there, and they said that they had never seen anything like.  Yesterday, I took Cliff and Jeramie there, and they too were blown away by the place.  They could not get over the quantity and beauty of the flowers... not to mention the inexpensive prices.  Jeramie had me ask a vendor the price of one particularly large flower arrangement.  It was around $40 US.  Jeramie said that it would surely cost around $800 in a floral shop back home.

So here are a few photos from one of the great "off-the-tourist-track" sights in Mexico City...


  1. Awesome. Ahh, the flowers in Mexico. I treat myself frequently to a dozen roses or lilies or glads......usually around $2.50US for a dozen........or less!

    1. I occasionally buy flowers for the apartment at a nearby flower stall. The prices are much cheaper at the Jamaica Market, but unfortunately the market is some distance away, and I am not sure that the flowers would make it on the crowded ride back on the Metro and Metrobus.
