Friday, April 26, 2019

How Suite It Is

Yesterday afternoon I took the Metrobus to the airport to meet Cliff and Jeramie.  Their flight was about twenty five minutes late.  The two of them finally appeared through the sliding glass doors of the customs area.

We got an authorized taxi to take us to their hotel, and they had their first taste of Mexico City traffic.  

They are staying at a hotel just a few doors down from my apartment.  It's a rather fancy boutique hotel, but Cliff found a special price online, and it cost less than the nearby Holiday Inn.

Their "room" is a two story suite.  Downstairs are a living room and full kitchen.

Upstairs are the bedroom and the bathroom.

The two of them posing on their terrace.

The place seemed amazing except that the air conditioner did not work.  This is the hottest time of the year, and the suite was very warm.  The repairman came in, but he could not fix it.  A technician will come tomorrow.  In the meantime, I took the fan from my apartment over to their hotel, so that they will have some air circulation in their suite.

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