Monday, October 20, 2014

Work Before Play

Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny, autumn day... a perfect day for an outdoor excursion.

BUT... the leaves were piling up and demanding our attention.  So yard work was to be the first order of the day.  We think of raking leaves as a very mundane task, but for Alejandro it was a completely new experience.  I'm not sure that he is telling the truth, but he said that he enjoyed it.

With Alejandro's help, the job was finished by 1 PM.  Now we had time to enjoy the day.  We drove a short distance from the house to a portion of the Cleveland Metroparks.  We in greater Cleveland are so fortunate to have our Metroparks.  The metropolitan park district was created in 1917, and today comprises more than 21,000 acres.  The park reservations, which encircle most of the Cleveland area, are known as the "Emerald Necklace".  You can drive for miles along the parkways, and feel as if you were far from an urban center.  We, who live here, tend to take the Metroparks for granted, but our park system is the envy of many cities throughout the country.
We drove into the Rocky River Reservation which follows the course of Rocky River as it flows north into Lake Erie.  We parked the car at one of the picnic areas, and started walking along the all-purpose trail.  (The park system contains over 100 miles of paved paths for walkers and cyclists.)

Rocky River

The trail went past the Rocky River Nature Center, a small museum devoted to the biology and geology of the river valley, so we went inside.

The terrace at the back of  the museum looks out over the river and the cliffs formed over the eons of time as the river cut its course through the layers of stone.

What I did not know was that behind the Nature Center there is a wooden staircase leading up to the top of the cliffs.  Of course we had to climb them for the view.

By 3:30 we returned to the house, because we had to get ready for another dinner engagement.  We were going to meet a couple friends of mine at a restaurant called the "100th Bomb Group".   It is located by the Cleveland Airport (from our table we could look out the window and watch the airplanes taking off).  The theme of the restaurant's décor is World War II...  right down to the vintage planes outside.
Once again, we had an evening of good food and good company!


  1. Beautiful photos and fun commentary.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. It was a fun day... once the yard work was done.

  2. Have you ever visited & hiked the Canal Trail, which is in the Cuyahoga Valley Park system as I'm sure that you know, in the Peninsula area? We certainly do have a great park system here and that includes the Summit Cty system also.

    1. I have only walked along a small portion of the Canal Trail on the edge of Peninsula. Yes, many people don't realize how lucky we are to have such wonderful parks here.

  3. Ahh, the Metroparks and the 100th Bomb Group. You're making me homesick. :-)

    1. You'll just have to take a visit home! But I suggest that you wait until spring... the weather is starting to turn colder.

  4. We had a nor'easter here Wednesday, Thursday, and part of Friday so by Saturday there were a TON of leaves to be removed. Even with a 6 hp lawn vacuum, and an electric leaf blower it still took me 3 & ½ hours to get everything cleared up. This year I'm trying to vacuum up leaves every week so that it remains a manageable task. But I still have an excessive amount of yard, and it is almost entirely ringed by trees.

    Maybe you should have Alejandro back to help with the rest of the leaves just before Thanksgiving.


    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where we have to confess to having started to wonder if deciduous trees aren't sort of evil.

    1. The last five days here have been gorgeous. In fact today was shirt-sleeve weather.
      We are going to do the leaves one more time before we go back to D.F. While I am gone, my friend who housesits for me will do leaves. When I return, one last clean up should be it for the year.
      Saludos y abrazos,
