Friday, October 17, 2014

Welcome to Ohio!

Late yesterday afternoon, my friend Alejandro arrived in Cleveland for a two week visit.  He left Mexico City at 7 AM (which meant that he was at the airport very early in the morning).  Everything went smoothly; his flights were all on schedule, and at 5 PM his plane landed at Cleveland Hopkins Airport.  The weather here had been cloudy and rainy for most of the day, but the sun came out for Alejandro's arrival.

After dropping off his luggage, we went out for supper at a nearby Bob Evans Restaurant.  Bob Evans is a chain of restaurants that began in Ohio and spread to neighboring states.  It's nothing fancy, but it has good Mid-Western style food.  Alejandro had a large cranberry-pecan salad.  Along with it he had two things that are not easily found in Mexico...  root beer and pumpkin bread.

¡Bienvenido a Ohio, Alejandro!


  1. Bob Evans, LOL... Definitely something you won't find in México.

    Saludos y abrazos,

    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where chain restaurants are slowly clawing their way into the city.

    1. I like Bob Evans better than VIPs... even though I am definitely not above eating at VIPs either. LOL
      Saludos y abrazos,

    2. F and I used to debate about which was more insipid: Vips or Sanborns. Depending on our mood, one or the other would win, but it was never completely consistent. I guess in that way they are neck in neck.



    3. I don't have anything against VIPs or Sanborns... I confess that there have been many times where we couldn't decide on what or where we wanted to eat, and we just ended up going to a nearby VIPs or Sanborns. I can't say that we ever had a fantastic meal there, but then again, we never had a dreadful meal either. I guess I would say that they are decent places to fill ones tummy when not in the mood for a dining experience. (On a side note, they have VIPs in Madrid... and the Mexican VIPs seem to be better.)
