Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A Weekend in Columbus

Last weekend Alejandro and I drove to Columbus, Ohio, a two hour drive down the interstate, to visit my sisters-in-law.

The weather was absolutely perfect... lots of sunshine and temperatures in the 70s.  It will, quite possibly, be the last time that we see weather like that this year.

Autumn foliage in Columbus
The art deco Lincoln-LeVeque Tower is a landmark of downtown Columbus.
When it was built in 1927, it was the tallest building between New York and Chicago.
Three years later it was surpassed by the Terminal Tower in Cleveland.
Of course, our visit to Columbus involved a lot of eating. 
We had a very nice Sunday brunch downtown at the Millstone Restaurant.
We all ordered a very tasty variation on eggs Benedict.
My sister-in-law Barbara took us to the Columbus Museum of Art. 
Although the museum is much smaller than Cleveland's museum, we had a nice time.
Here Alejandro and Barbara pose in the courtyard by a work created
by the glass sculptor Dale Chihuly.
My other sister-in-law, Phyllis (who traveled with me to Europe this summer) is in the process of moving.  She and her husband Jim bought a condo on the south side of Columbus, and we went to see their new place. 
They have a wonderful view from their balcony.
Barbara, Phyllis and Alejandro enjoying the sunshine.
Yesterday we returned to Olmsted Falls.  Although we still have some dinner engagements with friends scheduled for this week, Alejandro's visit is coming to an end.  He returns to Mexico City on November 1st, and I am going with him.  So I have to start getting ready for my departure.
Soon I will be reporting once again from Mexico! 


  1. How I envy you your upcoming trip to Mexico. It feels like forever since I've been, though in reality it was early-mid-August when I crossed the border going north. Still, it has been years since I've gone two and a half months without traveling to Mexico.

    I'm going through withdrawal!!!!


    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where the weather will soon demand a change of venue.

    1. P.S. It's still asking me to prove I'm not a robot. This has suddenly happened on a number of Blogspot blogs (Barbara's, Marc's, yours) so I'm wondering if it's something Blogspot has suddenly re-set.

    2. Well, you simply have to make plans to travel south of the border. You really don't want to suffer through an entire winter, do you?
      Hope that our travel plans can coincide again in Jan./Feb. so that we can meet up again.

    3. I just wrote comments on Marc's and Barbara's blogs today, and I didn't get the "prove I'm not a robot" thingy. I have no idea what's going on.

    4. I do need to hatch a plan to go south. As for the "robot thingy," who knows?

      (P.S. It's still asking if I'm a robot.)

    5. Don't mean to make you too jealous, but we just got settled into a new apartment in Condesa on Avenida Amsterdam. It's cloudy at the moment, but no rain. And the temperature of 63 degrees certainly beats the 39 in Cleveland right now.
