Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Mystery Solved

A couple years ago I lost my passport.  One evening, a few weeks before a planned trip to Yucatán, I realized that my passport, and the neck pouch in which I always keep it, were not in their usual place.  I knew for sure that it was in the house after my previous trip, but I vaguely remembered tucking it away somewhere when I was going to be out of town for a couple days.  The question was, where did I hide it?  I started looking through the house, but I couldn't find it.  I became frantic, rummaging through every room... looking in every logical place and every illogical place as well.  After hours of searching, I finally gave up.  I needed a passport in only a few weeks, so first thing the next morning I went to the post office, reported my passport missing, and applied for a replacement.  Since I needed it soon, I paid a pretty penny for expedited processing.  Fortunately, my new passport arrived with time to spare before my scheduled departure.

For nearly two years I have wondered what happened to the old passport.  I did not run across it anywhere.  I wondered if there was a gremlin in the house, but I figured that I must have accidentally thrown it out while house cleaning.  However since I always kept it in its pouch, it would seem to be something too large to be accidentally tossed in the garbage.

A couple nights ago I was getting ready to print off this year's Christmas cards.  I knew that in the morning I needed to go to the office supply store to buy card stock and printer ink, but I checked to see if I needed to buy envelopes. There were several boxes in one of the cupboards of my computer room.  One was filled with unused Christmas cards from previous years.  A couple contained envelopes... more than enough for this year's mailing.  And then I looked in a fourth box, and there it was!  The missing pouch with my old passport!

Of course, the old passport is invalid, but it's a nice souvenir with stamps from my past travels.  And the two year old mystery has finally been solved!


  1. I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one who puts things in "safe" places and then can't find them........great story!

    1. Maybe when I hide something, I should write down where it is hidden, and stick the paper in my wallet.
      Since that incident I have been very paranoid about constantly checking to see that my passport is in its normal place.

  2. Nice story. It made me remember the case of a photograph of my ex-wife wearing a beautiful black-and-white dress. I have a vague recollection of placing it inside some thick book several years ago... but I've revised all of my dictionaries and other books at no avail. I've repeated the process several times... but nothing. She has asked for the photograph so that she can make a copy... but unfortunately I have never been able to find it. Perhaps some day...

    1. Don't give up hope. Someday when you least expect it... !

  3. This was too funny. Sometimes I have to be very severe with myself to avoid doing exactly the same thing. If I put something in an unexpected place, I might as well just drop it in the trash because I'll never again find it.

    Maybe you should sell your old passport on the black market. I've heard they can fetch upward of $500. Could help to defer some of your travel expenses.*


    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    * Where we're just kidding about selling your old passport.

  4. Ha! Ha! Yeah, can't you just picture me as a black market dealer of passports!
