Friday, October 17, 2014

Fall Foliage

This autumn has not been the most spectacular for colorful fall foliage.  However, for Alejandro, who has never been up here in the fall, seeing the yellow, red and orange leaves is a brand new experience.

The weather today was quite nice... no rain, mild temperatures, and frequent appearances of the sun.  Knowing Cleveland weather, it could turn out to be the prettiest day of Alejandro's stay up here.  So, in spite of the fact that we had a lot of errands to run, I made sure that we had some time to enjoy the beauty of autumn.  We went to East River Park in my home town of Olmsted Falls.

The park has nice views of Rocky River below...
This heron stood motionless for the longest time on one of the rocks in the river.
For once, it was not difficult to take a wildlife photo.
The park is a lovely, tranquil place, quite different from the hustle and bustle of Alejandro's hometown of Mexico City.


  1. Looks lovely nonetheless. Last Sunday, my friend C wanted to go leaf-peeping, so we set off to the country. But I was kind of tired, still recovering from a cold, so we stopped in Salem, MA, which is beautiful and crazy in October. They've managed to take their history with the witch trials of the seventeenth century and turn it into an annual tourist attraction, which is a lot of fun. Halloween itself there is a zoo.

    I hope both you and Alejandro enjoy his visit.

    Saludos y abrazos,

    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where I really should get out and see some leaves while it's still nice weather.

    1. Thanks, Kim. Although we won't be doing much in the way of sightseeing on this trip (he's already seen the main sights on previous trips) we do have a very, very busy social schedule. There will be a lot of eating in restaurants... and then we will return to Mexico where it will still be the season for chiles en nogada... I fear that my waistline will be increasing during the next month.
      Saludos y abrazos,

  2. I miss the changing leaves.......only my chinaberry tree turns here.

    1. A friend was just asking Aleckz today if the leaves changed color in Mexico. Although there are some deciduous trees down there that lose their leaves during the winter dry season, I have never seen any trees turn color.

    2. Let's face it. Here in the northern USA, trees are more colorful. South of the border? The people are far more colorful. It balances out.
