Sunday, October 12, 2014

One Year of Blogging

It was one year ago this month that I started this blog.  My purpose in beginning the blog was to keep a travel diary for myself, and to enable family and friends to keep up-to-date on my travels.  There would be no need to send e-mails or postcards... "Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here."

In the past year I have traveled like a crazy man.  I have taken five major trips, three to Mexico, and two to Europe.  And there are more trips in my future...  Mexico City in November, and Oaxaca, Mexico, in January.  I figured out that by the end of 2014 I will have spent one third of the year outside of the country.  At times I feel a bit guilty.  There are things that I should be doing around the house.  My flower garden was woefully neglected this past summer.  But then I think... I love to travel, and at this stage in my life I only have a certain number of years left when I will be able to do so.  (Hopefully I have another twenty years or so left, but one never knows.)  So at this point in my life, I am constantly and very happily planning my next trip.

Some of my friends follow my blog regularly, others not so much.  I have friends who tell me, "I can never keep track of when you are at home."  And I tell them, "Just look at my blog and you will know."

Keeping a blog has turned out to be much more than having a personal travel diary.  I have made contact with other bloggers, primarily people who live in Mexico or who have traveled to Mexico.  I have developed on-line friendships with these people, and we comment regularly on each others' blogs.  They are all interesting folks, and it has been a pleasure to connect with them.  I have even had the chance to meet a couple of these bloggers face-to-face during my travels to Mexico...  Marc who lives in Mérida, Yucatán, and Kim, who is a passionate aficionado of Mexico... and in November I am looking forward to meeting Barbara, an ex-pat who lives in San Miguel de Allende.

Those of you who regularly read my posts know that the most amazing consequence of my blog was that by sheer coincidence I made contact with a third cousin who lives just five minutes away from me.  I have a new friend and family member all because of this blog! 

During the course of the year, my blog has had more than 30,000 page views.  Admittedly, a certain percentage of that number comes from spammers, but I have had more visitors than I could have ever imagined.  For that I have to thank my fellow bloggers who have kindly added my blog to their "blog list".  I have added them to my list, and I hope that it has increased their traffic a bit. 

To the side of the blog you notice that I have a gadget that shows where my visitors come from.  I can tell that I have people I don't know visiting on a regular basis.  I see the names of towns in California, British Columbia, Indiana, Baja California, (just to name a few) appear again and again.  To those people, I would like to say thanks for taking the time to follow my blog.  And I have a request for you.  Don't be shy; leave a comment and say "hello" or "hola".   My commenting format is very easy and painless, and you can comment anonymously.  I would really love to hear from you!! 


  1. Congratulations on your first year! It's always a pleasure to read your blog, but I'm afraid I missed the post where you re-encountered your third cousin. What the title, please?

    1. Thanks, Tino.
      The post about my new-found cousin is entitled "Just Incredible!", and it was written on March 1, 2014.

  2. You have a lot more energy for travel than I do, so I enjoy vicariously places I may never see by reading about them here. So I say, "carry on". And let me know when you plan another visit to Yucatan.

    1. Good to hear from you, Marc! This winter will be the first time in a number of years that I won't be in Mérida. My friend and former colleague Jane (you met her briefly) and I will be going to Oaxaca in January. But it's quite likely that I'll be back the following winter... I have more friends who are interested in seeing Mérida.

  3. Congrats for posting for a year. We are all better off for that. About your thingy that tells where people are from who are on your blog...well tonight it shows Apaseo El Alto for me which is at least an hour away. Sometimes it says Celaya, Silao, and other places. Once in a while it does say San Miguel de Allende. Funny!

    1. I have noticed that. I have a friend that checks my blog almost daily, and when he does there are three different Cleveland suburbs which might appear. Whenever I see a visitor from somewhere in the state of Guanajuato, I figure that it was you.

  4. Hola Bill!

    Felicidades por el cumpleaños de tu blog! I've enjoyed reading it, but even more the opportunity to meet you in DF. Sorry I've been an errant reader (and blogger) lately. But I hope to see you soon.

    Saludos y abrazos,

    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where we are still in awe of blogging as a phenomenon.

    1. Gracias, Kim. Good to hear from you! I'm looking forward to seeing you again on this winter's trip... if your travels should take you to Oaxaca, I will be there for 2 weeks beginning January 7. After that I will be in DF until February 10.
      Saludos y abrazos,
