Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween Grinch

(image from the web)

I suppose you could say that I am a Halloween Grinch.  Even though Alejandro is up here on Halloween for the first time, I am not doing anything to celebrate it...  no costumes, no candy, no ghoulish decorations... I didn't even buy a pumpkin, much less carve a jack o' lantern. 

I can remember decades ago when more than 100 "trick-or-treaters" would come to the door.  Now there are very few children in the neighborhood.  When it got to the point where less than ten kids showed up, I stopped buying candy, turning on the outside light, and waiting for "trick-or-treaters". 

It's not that I have anything against Halloween.  I'm certainly not one of those fanatics that view it as some sort of Satanic observance.  Tomorrow Alejandro is returning to Mexico City, and I am going with him.  We have lots of mundane chores to do today... do laundry, finish packing our suitcases, clean house, water the plants, etc., etc.  We don't have time today for any Halloween fun.  Well, when we are done with our chores, we might watch a spooky movie tonight. 

But to my readers in the United States...
Happy Halloween!
And to my readers in Mexico...
¡Feliz Día de los Muertos!

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