Wednesday, October 22, 2014

An Early Thanksgiving

Last night Alejandro and I were invited for dinner at the home of my new-found cousin Gail and her husband Wes.  (I have written previously about how we made contact through my blog.  If you haven't read about that encounter, look for the post entitled "Just Incredible!" under the entries for March, 2014.)  They live less than ten minutes away from me in the neighboring city of Berea.

Gail decided that a traditional Thanksgiving dinner would be a unique experience for Alejandro... a wonderful idea, and so sweet of her!


 The meal was delicious.  Turkey is not uncommon in Mexico.  (In fact the turkey was first domesticated in pre-Hispanic Mexico.)  However, most of the side dishes were new to Alejandro.  The dressing was a very nice variation which included cranberries.  There was a corn casserole, and the sweet potatoes were the best I have ever had.  It's a family recipe in which the sweet potatoes are topped with brown sugar and nuts instead of the usual marshmallows.  For dessert, of course there was pumpkin pie, as well as apple-cranberry pie.  Alejandro thoroughly enjoyed everything.  (And so did I!)

Best of all was the warm hospitality offered by Gail and Wes. They are wonderful people, and I feel so fortunate to have made contact with my cousin.  It was a delightful and memorable evening for us both.

¡Muchas gracias, Gail y Wes!


  1. YUM! I could eat Thanksgiving dinner any day of the year!

    1. I'm not so sure Thanksgiving dinner would taste good on a hot summer's day, but yesterday was a chilly, rainy day... a perfect evening for all that comfort food!

  2. Last Thanksgiving, I was fortunate enough to have Thanksgiving in Mexico, and I was hosted by friends who gave us all the traditional dishes and all the trimmings. I don't think anyone else around the table, who mostly were Yucatecans, minded the side dishes of stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry, etc., at all! I'll always remember it.

    1. What a great thing for your friends to do! I wonder how difficult it was to find all the necessary ingredients in the supermarkets down there? For example, I know that cranberry juice is now widely available in stores in Mexico, but I can't recall ever seeing cranberries or cranberry sauce.

  3. Wow! What a nice gesture. And I'm with Babs. I could eat Thanksgiving dinner any night. I love all that stuff.

    You know, if you take Alejandro to other parts of the USA, it's going to be a letdown after the amazing time you've shown him in Cleveland.


    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where we like the idea of an early Thanksgiving dinner for friends.

    1. Well, we just got back from Columbus, Ohio, and Alejandro was treated like visiting royalty by everyone.
