Saturday, November 7, 2020


(image sent to me by Alejandro)

It was inevitable, but the wait was stressful.  Finally before noon today, as the votes counted in Pennsylvania showed that the state was out of "Herr Pendejo's" reach, the news outlets announced that Biden was the President-elect.  (After four years I can once again utter the word President... with a capital P!)  When I heard the news I opened the front door and joyously rang the dinner bell that belonged to my Swiss great-grandmother.

We will now see if "Herr Pendejo" continues to whine about voter fraud without a shred of evidence, casting doubt upon the integrity of our elections, and trying to rile up his supporters.  His narcissism keeps him from conceding.  But there's more to it than that.  He is probably soiling himself because he knows that once he leaves the White House, he faces criminal charges, civil suits and the payment of over 400 million dollars of loans that are coming due. 

Congratulations to President-elect Biden!

Congratulations to Vice-President-elect Harris!

Adiós, "Herr Pendejo"!

(image taken from the web)

(image sent to me by Alejandro)

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