Sunday, November 8, 2020

Bye, Don


(image sent to me by Alejandro)

When I started this blog seven years ago it was, just as the title says, a travel blog.  Politics was rarely a topic.  But then "Herr Pendejo" appeared on the scene, and there were times when I simply had to use this blog to vent my frustration and anger.  

Now the reality star of dubious wealth has been fired by the electorate.  His lease on the White House is about to expire.  President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris gave their victory speeches last night.  Alejandro and I were on Skype at the time, but we simultaneously listened to the speeches.  What a joy to hear two political addresses that were not filled with lies, demagoguery, incoherent ramblings and ridicule.  Alejandro and I both had tears in our eyes.

"Herr Pendejo" continues to blather hot air about election fraud, but unless he commits some heinous act of treachery in his last seventy three days, I will not mention him again.  He is insignificant.  He is irrelevant.  He is about to vanish from this blog!  

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