Sunday, November 15, 2020

Early Delivery

My regular readers know that each year I create my own Christmas card based on a painting which I have done.  I always have them printed, written and addressed, and ready to send the day after Thanksgiving.  This year I had the painting completed and the cards printed by the middle of summer.  I even had the address labels and return address labels printed and ready to go.

I am now making out my cards; I am more than half way done.  

Because the mail is so slow in Mexico, I usually hand-deliver the card for Alejandro and his family when I am there in November.  (One year when I sent them a card through the mail the day after Thanksgiving, it arrived in time for Easter!)  Of course this year I am not down there to give him the card, so I sent one to the family on October 26th.  I thought that maybe, just maybe, they will receive it shortly after Christmas.  On Thursday, November 12th, Alejandro told me that they had received the card... just two weeks after I had sent it.  However I had also sent a card to his 10 year old nephew... to the same address, and mailed on the day.  That one has yet to arrive.

(The painting for the card is always a secret until the cards have been sent and received.  In December I will post a picture of it.)

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