Friday, August 25, 2017

Independence Day Is Just Around the Corner

In an earlier post I wrote that Mexico's vast, central square, the Zócalo, was closed off with barricades while the plaza was being repaved and the drainage improved.

The Zócalo a couple weeks ago

It now appears that the work is nearly complete.  Although you still cannot enter the plaza, most of the barricades are down, and the streets around the square are being repaved.  A policeman told me that the project should be finished by next week.

It dawned on me that it was essential that the work be completed soon.  On September 15th, the eve of Independence Day, the Zócalo is crammed with thousands of people celebrating the holiday.

The President of Mexico appears on the balcony of the National Palace, gives the "Grito (Cry) de Independencia", and rings the historic bell which Father Hidalgo rang in 1810 to begin the struggle for freedom from Spain.

I also noticed that they are in the process of putting up the decorations for Independence Day.

I will be back home in Ohio before then, but even if I were here for the holiday celebration, I am not sure that I would join the crowds on the Zócalo.  It's similar to New Year's Eve on Times Square... way too many people.

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