

Monday, July 24, 2023

More Dolls

You may recall that on my travels I frequently buy dolls to send to the daughter of one of my former teaching colleagues.  When she was a little girl, I always bought her dolls from the various countries that I visited.  Now that she has daughters of her own, I have continued the tradition and send dolls to them.

On my latest trip, I was busy preparing for my move to Mexico, and I wasn't planning on buying gifts or souvenirs for anyone.  However, one day, as I was walking past the World Trade Center, there was a small bazaar set up on the sidewalk.  I saw a couple of items, and I couldn't resist buying them for the girls.

One vendor was a lady who was born in Romania, and she was selling handicrafts, including dolls, from that nation.  I have never been to Romania. However, it's a country not represented in their collection, so I bought one of them.  Another vendor was selling items from the Mexican state of Chiapas, and I noticed this donkey made of wool by natives of that state.

My schedule has been extremely busy, but I have nothing on my calendar today.  So, this morning I am going to UPS and send them on their way.

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