Sunday, July 30, 2023

Dinosaur - Part Two

I wrote in yesterday's post that I am a dinosaur.  It took me a long time to get away from slide photography.  I finally started using a digital camera, and I use a video program on my computer to create slides shows of my travel photos on DVDs.  I also have an old-fashioned Netflix account which sends me discs through the mail.  Their library of titles is so extensive that I much prefer it to Netflix's streaming service.

In spite of my attempts to enter the 21st century, I am still a dinosaur.  Now, people are using their smartphones to take pictures instead of cameras.  The use of DVD players is in steep decline as people have switched to streaming services.  Netflix announced that at the end of September they will discontinue their DVD-by-mail service.  I hate to see it go, but it really doesn't matter since later this year I will move to Mexico, and Netflix never offered disc delivery down there.

My DVD player is getting older, and I suspect that the disc player in the condo that I am going to buy is even older.  I started to worry that someday down the road DVD players will become extinct.  So earlier this month, I decided to buy a new one before they are no longer readily available in the stores. I bought a Blue Ray which is newer technology but still plays my DVD discs.  I was very surprised by how tiny the new players are, so much smaller than the old DVD players.

So, I now have a new player to take with me down to Mexico.  Hopefully it will last a good many years, and this dinosaur will be able to watch my DVDs for the rest of my life!


  1. I have a friend in his early 40s who also still gets Netflix DVDs by mail. He's similarly wondering what he's going to do when they shut down that service. So you're not alone!

    1. I have watched some good movies and series on Alejandro's streaming Netflix service. But, as I said, the selection of movies on the DVD service is vast, and there is so much there that is not available streaming... from old (we're talking about 1930s and 40s) classics to excellent foreign series such as "A Place to Call Home" from Australia and "A French Village" from France. However, for me it really doesn't matter since I will be moving to Mexico. Given the unreliability and slowness of the Mexican post office, I can understand why they never had the DVD service down there. You would have to wait a month for a disc to arrive!
