sugar skulls

sugar skulls

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Nothing Accomplished

When I left for Mexico one month ago, I had three goals.  Tomorrow, I return to Ohio, and none of those goals have been accomplished.

I hoped to purchase the apartment that I rent, but I was not allowed to make the electronic transfer from my bank to the account of the owner.  The payment will have to wait until I am back in Ohio.  I planned to obtain my residency visa, but the lawyer / realtor who is handling the sale said he would take care of that.  That process won't be complete for another week.  I wanted to get a private mail service, but since I am going to have to return to Mexico in about a month, I decided to hold off on that.  Nothing has been accomplished... and the heat wave that we have experienced down here certainly did not help my mood.  It is not just here in Mexico that things are not going according to plan.  The contractor that was going to do some repairs to my house in Ohio before I put it up for sale, has said that he is too busy.

The entire time frame for my permanent move to Mexico has been thrown off.  I had hoped that this would be my last trip to Mexico before making the final move.  But in about a month the owner of the apartment and I are going to have to coordinate and make another trip to Mexico to sign the papers.  Then, I will have to return to Ohio to put my house up for sale... and hope that it will sell in a reasonable amount of time.  I had hoped that I would be living in Mexico before the summer was over... now I am not so sure.



  1. I have learned that you cannot plan ahead with a schedule in Mexico but most "roll along" as it happens. It's a "one day at a time" country especially when you are dealing with government agencies. If I were you, you could go ahead and set up your mail service because it might take at least a month before the US postal service gets their act together and the mail service gets your account set up! Ahh, yes, lessons learned. Onward my friend ----- Barbara

    1. I'm back home now, so setting up the private mail service will have to wait until the next trip which will be in about a month. There's no real rush, because I still haven't put the house up for sale, and who knows how long that will take. I fear that it might take quite a while... most people aren't interested in a house with only one bathroom.

    2. I hope you will be pleasantly surprised! When I sold my place in Houston it sold to the first person who looked at it! I was astounded. Barbara

  2. Bleh, that's a bummer on all counts. But things are in motion at least...Hang in there.

