Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Should I Build an Ark?

Yesterday I posted some pictures of my garden, pictures that I took several days ago.  However, right now my yard is a swampy mess.  We have had quite a bit of rain this summer, but yesterday we had two torrential downpours.  The ground could not absorb any more, and flooding began.

 The landscapers still have not put in my front lawn (they are behind schedule, in part, because of the rainy weather), so I had a muddy lake in front of my house.

As the rain continued, my back yard became a swamp.

The gutters could not handle the amount of rain and overflowed.

The flooding extended into the street, creating a hazardous situation.

The water has receded considerably, but it will be several days before it is dry enough to work in my garden.


  1. Oh, my! You really did get a Biblical rain! Our creek has a current!

    1. We get this amount of flooding several times each year.

  2. We have had 15 inches so far this year! Most of it began on May 15th and we have showers usually beginning about 5PM each day! Since our annual rainfall is about 27 inches we are more then half way there. This is EXTREMELY unusual. We usually get most of our rain in late August and September! However, we nor the plants and flowers are complaining! Things are growing at a rapid pace. Your yard is spectacular and your whole area is beautiful!

    1. I'm glad that Mexico is getting much needed rain. When I talk with Alejandro on Skype it seems as if every day it is raining. Here we are getting too much. I am going to try to get out and work in the garden this afternoon, but I fear that it will still be a soggy swamp.
