Sunday, July 18, 2021

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Last week I wrote about the torrential rain that flooded my street and yard.  It was finally starting to dry out... although there were still some puddles in the back yard.  Then it rained Thursday evening and most of Friday.  The flooding was not as bad as earlier in the week, but the ground was saturated, and my yard was once again a swampy mess.

I know that I should not complain when there are so many people in Europe that have lost their lives or their homes due to flooding there.  However it is frustrating not to be able to go out and work on the garden.  

The sun is finally shining this morning, and the forecast calls for a week of dry weather.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that everything will dry out enough for me to get out and give the garden a good going over before I leave on my trip to Mexico in early August.

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