Friday, July 23, 2021

Hanging Garden

I have a number of hanging baskets outside.  Most of them are in the sun, and I always plant the so-called "super-petunias" or calibrachoa (often referred to as "million bells").  I have two baskets however, which are in partial shade. They only get sun in the very late afternoon.  I have tried planting a number of different plants in those, including New Guinea impatiens and tuberous begonias.  They have done OK but have not been spectacular.  This year I planted a variety of flower called "dragon wing begonias".  They really seem to like the spot and have filled the baskets completely.

In the future I now know exactly what to buy for those two baskets!


  1. What are the baskets made of? Look nice.

    1. Thanks, Tino.
      The framework is made of metal. Inside there is a plastic liner with holes for drainage, and the outside of the liner is covered with moss.
