Monday, July 5, 2021

Good News


(Image taken from the web)

My friend Alejandro received his first COVID shot on May 4th, while I was still down in Mexico City.  Given the slow pace with which vaccinations had begun in Mexico, we were both happy and rather surprised that he had received his first shot so soon.  

The vaccinations are being given by age group (Alejandro is in the 50 - 59 age group) and, in Mexico City, according to the "alcaldías" of the city.  (Mexico City is divided into districts similar to the boroughs in New York City.  These districts used to be called "delegaciones', but in 2016 when Mexico City received the status of a state instead of a federal district, they came to be referred to as "alcaldías".)  In each "alcaldía" there are locations designated where the vaccine is given.

Alejandro received the Sputnik vaccine from Russia.  I would have preferred that he receive the Pfizer vaccine, but apparently Sputnik's effectiveness (fingers crossed) is comparable to Pfizer or Moderna.

A month passed and there was still no word on when the second shot would be given.  As we approached month two, we were both starting to be a bit apprehensive.  Finally, last Friday, the government announced that those in the 50 - 59 age group in Alejandro's "alcaldía" would receive their second shot this week starting on Tuesday.  (They will also be giving the first shot to those who are 40 - 49 years of age.)  Alejandro is scheduled for this Saturday at the National Polytechinic Institute.  However, when his father got his shots and when Alejandro got his first shot it did not seem to matter if you showed up on an earlier day.  So he will probably try to get the jab tomorrow.

Of course, he will continue to exercise a degree of caution, just as I do.  No vaccine is 100% effective, and there are the worrying variants that continue to appear.  (Beyond the Delta strain, there are the Gamma and Lambda variants which have popped up.)  However, Alejandro can now feel more secure and start leading a more normal life.  

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