Saturday, September 19, 2020

Signs of the Times

While walking through the neighboring town of Berea, Ohio, I saw two yard signs which caught my eye.

This one gave me a chuckle...


And this one covered the gamut of prejudices and ignorance...

I'd like to buy that one to add to my two Biden for President signs in my front yard.


  1. The last time I had a sign in my front yard was when Gore was
    running for President! Then, the next thing I knew, I was getting threatening written messages slipped through my mail slot. No, I didn't take down the sign, but I have never put a sign up since.........I do still have a campaign button that said, "It's all about the Supreme Court". How appropriate then and NOW. This year has been a real doozy........

    1. Knock on wood, I have had no problems with the Biden signs that I have in my front yard. Every time I venture out I wear my Biden button, and I have only had compliments.

  2. Have you seen the "By=Don" signs?

    1. Haven't seen that one yet. This morning I ordered the second sign pictured above.

    2. I just saw a Bye Don sign with orange combover hair above the Don. I want.

    3. Your dad would probably be upset if you put that in front of the house! ;-)
