Wednesday, September 30, 2020

A Small Step

Progress on the spare bedroom that I am renovating is going more slowly than I had hoped.  A week ago, someone from the flooring store came and took measurements, and gave me a price.  Installing the laminate flooring will just be a one day job, and I thought that by this time the floor would be done.  However, they have to order the flooring, and they have other jobs to do ahead of me.  It might be early November before it is installed.

I also took three pieces of artwork, two of which I bought in Mexico some years ago, to a framing shop.  I wanted to hang them in this room when I eventually renovated it, and they have been sitting in a closet all this time.  It will be a while before those are finished.

The only small progress that I have made is in finding new valences to hang at the windows. I wanted a shade of brown to contrast with the ivory and tan walls.  I didn't want anything frilly or fancy... just simple valences that would hang from the curtain rods that I have.  I went to a nearby mall (the first time that I had gone inside a mall since the beginning of the pandemic), and found nothing.  Only one of the three department stores, Penny's, even carried curtains.  I went online and could find nothing in the style or color I wanted.

Finally I went to a "Bed, Bath and Beyond", perhaps the most logical choice.  The one nearest me had closed down, and I hadn't realized that it had been replaced by another one at a different location.  They had a number of valences, but I was hoping for one in a darker shade of brown.  I settled for a set in a shade called "linen", but I think that it turned looking pretty good in the room.

I still have to get blinds to cover the rest of window for privacy.  I will probably go today to a nearby store to inquire about ordering custom-made blinds.

By the way, you also see in the photo a couple of plants which I brought in from the patio.  I am going to see if I have any success in overwintering the elephant ear and the rex begonia.  Since they are both shade plants they should be able to deal with minimal sunlight.  In fact, I have read that the rex begonia is often grown as a houseplant. 


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