Tuesday, September 15, 2020

A Virtual Observance

Since tomorrow is Mexican Independence Day, schools across the nation would normally mark the occasion with a patriotic ceremony.  However, due to the pandemic, all school buildings in Mexico City (and I assume most of the country) remain closed, and instruction is once again on-line or by television. 

I made an early morning trip to the supermarket today, and after putting the groceries away, I checked my email.  There was a message from Alejandro.  His nephew Ezra's school was having a virtual Independence Day ceremony, and it was going to be broadcast live on YouTube.  The ceremony was to begin at 8:00 AM (9:00 Ohio time).  It was almost time for it to begin.  I quickly went to the link which Alejandro had given me.  

There was a video (probably recorded last year) of students presenting the Mexican flag in the school courtyard, and the national anthem was played.  Speeches were given by the principal and several teachers, and some of the students read aloud about the history of Mexico.

During the broadcast, if you were signed in to Google, you could leave messages to the side.  I wrote in Spanish, "Greetings from Ohio in the U.S.  Hello Ezra!  I wish that I were there with you."  Alejandro told me that Ezra saw my message, and he was very excited that I was watching the ceremony.

After it was all over, Alejandro sent me another link.  He found on YouTube another school (methinks a very ritzy private school) that was also broadcasting their Independence Day observance.  They had a mariachi band playing for the occasion.

¡Viva México!

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