Wednesday, September 2, 2020

At Half Mast

Last weekend when I was looking at the webcams of Mexico City, I noticed that the gigantic flag in the center of the Zócalo, the city's main plaza, was at half mast. 


When I asked Alejandro about it that evening, he didn't know at first.  However he found on the internet that President López Obrador had ordered flags to be flown at half mast for a month in memory of those who have died from the coronavirus.  I find it rather ironic.  This is the man who in the early stages of the pandemic did not wear a mask, who was constantly hugging and kissing his supporters, who urged families to help the economy by eating out at restaurants, who has said that he will be protected by the religious scapular which he wears, and whose strategy throughout this crisis has been minimal testing.  I cannot help but believe that his inept leadership is part of the reason why Mexico has the fourth highest number of deaths in the entire world. 

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