Monday, September 14, 2020

For 2021

In addition to creating Christmas cards from an original painting of my own, I also use photographs that I have taken to make a calendar each year.  I have around a dozen of them made up on Shutterfly, and I give them out as Christmas presents.

My 2020 calendar featured pictures of Austria that I took on my European trip last summer.

Just as the subject of the painting for my Christmas card is a closely guarded secret, so too is the theme of my calendar.  

The 2021 calendar was completed more than a week ago, and it should arrive at my house today or tomorrow.  By the way, last Friday I picked up my Christmas cards at the printer.  


  1. You are amazing. I'm impressed with all your projects. I wish I could get you think there will be a Christmas? Right now we are waiting to hear if Dia de los Muertos will happen in SMA. El Grito is "virtual" this year! So far we have had NO festivals in a town that usually has one a day......amazing.

    1. I suspect that a lot of people will have big family gatherings for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I fear for the consequences.
      I hope the big Día de Muertos parades in Mexico City, which attract more than a million spectators are cancelled.

  2. I'm enjoying the September 2020 photo now, every time I walk past it hanging on the kitchen cupboard. Thank you, cousin!

    1. You're welcome! You will receive the 2021 calendar later this year.
