Monday, September 21, 2020

Class Picture

Yesterday, I wrote about our birthday celebration for my friend Gayle.  I have known Gayle since kindergarten, and here is our class picture...

Can you find Gayle in the photo?  In yesterday's post she was not looking directly at the camera, so, to help you out, here is another picture of her which appeared a few years ago on this blog.

And can you find me as a kindergartener? 


  1. What a blast from the past!! The birthday celebration was a lot of fun - thank you so much.

    1. I also have our first, second and third grade pictures. We were together until I was transferred to Lechner Elementary in the fourth grade.

    2. Gayle, how many of them do you remember? I recognize and can name about 11 of them.

  2. You're doing better than me! I can only put names with a couple of them.

    1. I really don't remember any of them (including you) from kindergarten. I remember them because of lot of us continued together in 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade. A couple that I remember very well must have later moved out of Berea, because they were not in our graduating class... such as Deborah Lewis right next to you, and Virginia Ebner below you. Do you remember them? And is that Steve Myers in the top row? Duffy was sure that Lynn Colish was next to Mark Phillips, but I told him no. That's Kristie Eugene.

  3. Oh, please, Bill, I can't see well enough to pick you out. Where are you? Were you the only one in a sport coat? Don't tell me your teacher was teaching while pregnant in 1958! I'm shocked!

    1. I'm on the top row... the only one wearing suspenders.
      I don't think we realized at all that our teacher was pregnant, but we had a substitute take over for the last part of the year.
