Saturday, July 14, 2018

My Bags Are Packed

Bright and early tomorrow morning I leave for another stay in Mexico City.  My checklist of things to do is now down to a few last minute items.  My bags have been packed for some time.  I am only taking a carry-on and a back pack since I have clothes in the condo that I rent.  The carry-on is mostly filled with gifts for Alejandro and his family.

I bought a book to while away the hours at the airport and on the plane... "River of Doubt" by Candice Millard.

It is an historical account of the harrowing expedition through the Amazon rainforest which former President Theodore Roosevelt undertook after his defeat as a third party candidate in the election of 1912.  I have already started it, and it promises to be an excellent read. 

That's all for now.  My next post will be from Mexico City!

1 comment:

  1. When you read this, I trust you'll have arrived safely. Wes looked at the "Glorious Switzerland" Insight Vacations trip and said "what's not to like?" All we need now is a selection of dates from which to choose. Love to you and Aleckz.
