

Thursday, April 23, 2015

I'm Home

Yesterday I made the journey home from Mexico City to Cleveland.  The flights went smoothly.  There were no available upgrades to first class, but I was upgraded on both flights to "Economy Plus".  Between the extra leg room and the fact the no one was seated next to me on either flight, it was a comfortable trip.  The one aggravation was going through passport control at Newark Airport. (Yes, I know, flying from Mexico City, to Newark, to Cleveland, is a bit of a round-about route.  However, that was what was available to me if I wanted to redeem frequent flyer miles.)  The line was the longest and slowest I have ever experienced upon my return to the United States.  I have gone through Newark numerous times upon returning from trips to Europe, but it has never been this bad.  I waited 70 minutes to get through passport control.  Fortunately I had a three hour layover in Newark, but I wonder how many people missed connecting flights because of the long line.

I was greeted by chilly Ohio weather when I returned home.  The temperature was 39 F in Cleveland, and there were actually a few snow flakes in the air.  I was hoping for more spring-like weather at this point in April.  After the 80 degree temperatures in Mexico City it felt COLD!!

In spite of the chill, the grass is green, some of the flowering trees are in blossom, and more of the perennials in my garden have sprouted.  The hyacinths have bloomed and are past their prime, and the daffodils are blooming.

I hope that the weather warms up, and that by May, I will be able to start working in the garden.


  1. Love the daffodils. Sorry about the cold. I'll be heading north next Wednesday. Hope it will be cool, but not cold. I'll enjoy seeing the flowers in Texas that we don't get in Mexico. I must say my garden has exploded in color from all the rain this year.........

    1. Hope you have a great trip next week, and that you enjoy nice weather.
      In the weeks prior to my trip, I was concerned about the reports of rain in Mexico. I was really looking forward to sunshine. As it turned out, the rain took a hiatus... just a few sprinkles and one brief thunderstorm during the 2 weeks that I was there. There was lots of sunshine and warm temperatures. The locals thought that it was very hot when the temperatures hit the mid-80s, but I was loving it!

  2. It has turned somewhat colder here after some unseasonably warm temperatures last week. I'd guess the same happened in Cleveland.

    Seriously, you should get a place in DF for the winters and just turn yourself into a snowbird. (As should I.)


    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where we've gotten in over our heads digging up and replacing a lawn. Ugh!!!

    1. People told me that we had a few very pleasant, warm days while I was gone.

      I have thought about being a "snowbird"... but I really don't feel comfortable leaving the house for that length of time. I have a friend who housesits for me, but I really can't impose upon him for the entire winter. I will probably continue spending 4 or 5 weeks in Mexico, and miss out on at least part of the season. I already have a couple friends who might be interested in having me show them around Mérida next January.
      I don't envy you with replacing the lawn. Once it gets warmer, I have to dig up and replace several overgrown shrubberies.
