Monday, April 13, 2015

Afternoon at the Mall

Although we really didn't do any sightseeing yesterday, Alejandro and I had a pleasant Sunday together.  The morning was sunny and warm.  After going out for breakfast, we took a stroll around the Condesa neighborhood, and I showed him the renovations at "Parque México" (which I wrote about yesterday).

By afternoon the sky was overcast, and the forecast called for rain.  (It never did rain however.)  We decided to go see a movie.  We took the "Metrobus" a few miles up Insurgentes Avenue to the Buenavista Mall.  The mall is located on the site of Mexico City's former train station.  (You can still take a local train from here to the northern suburbs of the city, but there is no long-distance passenger train service out of Mexico City anymore.)  The mall is four stories high and is much like shopping malls anywhere in the world.  There are plenty of American chains (Sears, Best Buy, Office Depot), but there also many Mexican and European stores.  Browsing through some of the shops, I found the prices no cheaper, and at times, more expensive, than in the United States.  

The mall includes an ice-skating rink.

A view of part of the Mexico City skyline from the mall.  The dome in the center is the Monument to the Mexican Revolution.

The mall includes a large multiplex cinema.  Unfortunately, half of the screens were showing the latest edition of "Fast and Furious"... definitely NOT our cup of tea!  We ended up seeing a movie I had never heard of... "Out of the Darkness".  It was co-produced by Spanish and Colombian film companies, but it is an English language film starring Julia Stiles.  It deals with an American family who moves to a South American town which is haunted by ghosts... some say the ghosts of children murdered centuries ago by the Spanish conquerors.  The story seemed very stereotypical... sweet, little girl is threatened by scary, supernatural creatures.  The photography (it was filmed in Colombia) was very nice, the acting wasn't bad, and it was a fairly entertaining way to spend a couple hours.    


  1. So you're back in Mexico!!! Woo hoo!!! Sorry I haven't kept up with your blog lately.

    I've been to the Buenavista Mall. Spent a little while there while waiting for a train to take us to some godforsaken suburb of DF. Way out in EdoMex, I believe.


    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where we have more trains but fewer malls than DF.

    1. We took that train out to the northern suburbs just for the heck of it. Yeah, the area definitely is not the most beautiful section of the the metropolitan area!

  2. Mexico City has some gorgeous shopping malls. You may have already been, but two points of interest close to the Buenavista Mall that I recommend are the Vasconcelos Library and, in the opposite direction, the lovely Kiosco Morisco. I love Condesa and Parque Mexico as well...nice to see the paved courtyard with a fresh coat of paint.

    Off the subject: Where was your profile picture taken? Is that Tajin?

    1. I've not been to the Vasconcelos Library, but I have been to the Kiosco Morisco. Condesa is my favorite place to stay in D.F.
      My profile picture at the top of the page under "About Me"? That was taken around the Day of the Dead at a restaurant in the Centro Histórico called La Hostería de Santo Domingo.

    2. Oh, just realized that you were talking about the banner picture at the very top of the page. That was taken at Teotenango, a lesser known archaeological site to the southwest of D.F. in the State of Mexico.
