Friday, June 21, 2024

Update on the Printer

This morning I wrote that the printer was supposed to call me today to let me know that she had a sample of my Christmas card ready for approval.  True to her word, she called around 11 o'clock this morning.  I went back to the location in Condesa, and when I arrived, she met me at the door with the sample.  The quality of the picture was very good, and the English words were all spelled correctly.  I told her to go ahead and print the cards.  They will be ready next Thursday.  The print shop that I went to previously could certainly learn a lesson on customer service from this lady with her humble, at-home business.

Of course, the subject of my painting is always a secret.  You will have to wait until December after the cards have been sent and received before I will show you what the card looks like.

Here are a few of the cards from years past...

2017 - Dusk at Tlalpujahua, Mexico

2019 - Street in Coyoacán, Mexico

2020 - Lake Hallwil, Switzerland

And here's the painting for the first Christmas card that I did...

2004 - New England Winter


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