Friday, June 28, 2024

Assembling the Calendar

Before I made the move to Mexico, my friend Frank gave us a gift... a mechanical, 3-D wooden puzzle to assemble.  The puzzle was called "Mayan Calendar", although, truth be told, the imagery was inspired by the Aztec Sun Stone, not the Mayas.  By moving dials, it actually functions as a calendar.

It has been sitting far too long on the shelf of the closet.  Last Saturday we did not have any plans, so I decided to bring it down and start work on it.  I opened the box and spread the pieces on the dining table.

The instructions were all in pictures and were a bit difficult to follow.  I got a start on it, assembling the outer ring.

As it became more difficult, Alejandro took over, and I took the job of assistant, finding the pieces that he needed.

It took around two hours to assemble.  The finished product looks very nice, and I am going to hang it the closet door in my office.

By moving dials and pointers you can indicate the date.  If you look very closely, you can see that I took this photo on Sunday, June 23rd, 2024.

Thank you, Frank, for a cool addition to the apartment.  And thank you, Alejandro, for being the chief engineer of this project.

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