Monday, June 10, 2024

Rainy Days

Here in Mexico City, we are not singing "Rain, rain go away."  We are happy every time it rains and hope that it portends the end of the drought.  

On Saturday, Alejandro and I were on the Metrobus traveling from downtown back to the apartment when it began to rain heavily.  The bad part was that all the windows were closed on the crowded bus to keep the rain from coming in, and it was hot and humid.  I finally opened mine to let in some fresh air.  I didn't care if some raindrops hit me.  By the time we reached our stop about twenty minutes later the rain was just a sprinkle, and we didn't even bother to open the umbrellas which we had with us.  

Yesterday, at the family house, we were having dinner around 4 PM.  After a sunny morning, the clouds had rolled in.  The forecast said that there was a 40% chance of rain around 7.  However, we heard it begin to sprinkle, and Alejandro rushed out to bring in the laundry that was hanging on the line.  The rain continued and grew steadier, and it was still raining lightly when we went to bed around 10.  This morning there are still puddles in the street, and the webcam showed snow on top of the volcano "Popo".  Hopefully it rained where the reservoirs that supply the city's water are located.

Unfortunately, the long-term forecast does not call for any rain this week.  However, they have been wrong before.  Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain!

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