Friday, June 7, 2024

The Count

 As I was walking through the nearby neighborhood of Colonia del Valle, I passed by a school that had served as a polling place (casilla) for last Sunday's election.  There was a sign posted outside the school with the official results from that location.

Although Claudia Scheinbaum of the Morena Party won the election for President decisively, at this polling station she was soundly rejected.

The votes are listed by party.  Morena ran in coalition with the "Partido Verde" (Green Party) and PT (Labor Party).  So Scheinbaum received a total of 155 votes.  

In contrast, the main opponent, Xochitl Gálvez headed a coalition of PAN (National Action Party), PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party) and PRD (Party of the Democratic Revolution).  She received a total of 343 votes.

The third candidate, Jorge Máynez of the "Movimiento Ciudadano" (Citizens' Movement) only got 15 votes.

You can see that the counts for Senator and Deputy to the National Legislature were very similar.

The election results were very much along social classes.  The more affluent the district, the less support for Morena.  Since Colonia del Valle is an upper middle-class neighborhood, the results are not surprising.  

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