Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Christmas in April

 A dish that is traditional in Mexico, as well as in Spain, for Christmas Eve is "bacalao a la vizcaina", Basque-style cod.  Alejandro's mom used to make a less expensive version of the dish by using canned tuna fish.  During the height of the pandemic when no one was going anywhere, Alejandro gave me the recipe, and that is what I had all by myself that Christmas.  It was sooo good.

It's nowhere near Christmas, but on Monday, Alejandro decided he was going to make "atún a la vizcaina".  We went to the supermarket and bought all the necessary ingredients. Then when we returned to the house, we started chopping... onions, tomatoes, parsley, pimentos.  It's not a difficult dish, but it does require a lot of chopping.  In a big kettle with extra virgin olive oil, whole cloves of garlic and the chopped onions were sauteed. The other chopped ingredients were added one at a time, plus capers, green olives, and the contents of a humungous can of tuna.  

While the concoction was simmering, Alejandro and I went to a nearby bakery and bought a bunch of freshly baked rolls known as "teleras"

When we returned, it was time to eat.  Alejandro dished out the tuna mixture onto the plates.

We would break off a piece of "telera" and put a forkful of the "atún a la vizcaina" on the bread.  The combination of the mixture on the fresh bread was even tastier.  There were plenty of leftovers, so for breakfast yesterday we had "tortas" (sandwiches) filled with the tuna mixture.  Yummy! 

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