Thursday, June 18, 2020

Reaching the End

If you have read my blog for any length of time you know that I have a large flower garden, and that each spring the task of weeding and manicuring all of the beds is a long process.  Usually it is the beginning of July before I have completed my work.  This year, because I was not able to make my usual trip to Mexico in April, I got an earlier start to my gardening.  The weather in April and May was not always cooperative (we even had snow in May!), but a long stretch of dry weather in June was helpful.  I can now say that the work is complete, and we have not yet officially reached the beginning of summer.  There is one side of the house that is mainly bushes and ground cover that I have still not touched.  However I am going to wait until the workers have finished putting new siding on the house before I do that.  Of course, the work is never really done... I still have to maintain the beds.  But now an hour or two on nice days will suffice instead of a daily grind of four to six hours.

The "big garden" next to the storage shed always requires many days of work. 

The shade garden under the walnut tree and the long stretch of garden along the border of my property line were finally completed a couple days ago.

Now, if only we could come to an early end of this damnable pandemic!


  1. Wow! a HUGE garden and lots and lots of work! I especially love the very last photo. I'm impressed that you do all that work by yourself. NOW ENJOY!

    1. Thanks, Barbara. Yes, it's a lot of work, but it kept me busy and my mind off of all the stuff that's going on right now.
