Friday, June 5, 2020

In Summation

Recently fellow blogger Gary Denness reposted something that he saw on Twitter.  It is a bit of a run-on sentence, but it is a succinct summation of the "pendejo" and his latest stunt...

"This a an awful man, waving a book he hasn't read, in front of a church he doesn't attend, invoking laws he doesn't understand, against fellow Americans he sees as enemies, wielding a military he dodged serving, to protect power he gained via accepting foreign interference, exploiting fear and anger he loves to stoke, after failing to address a pandemic he was warned about, and building it all on a bed of constant lies and childish inanity."

Robert Hendrickson

I am not a follower of Twitter, but I went to the original post and found a number of images that had been added in response to Mr. Hendrickson's tweet...

If you have read my occasional political rants, you know that I will not dignify that wanna-be-Hitler by calling him by his name.  "Pendejo" does not suffice.  I am going to start giving him a multi-lingual moniker...  "Herr Pendejo".

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