Tuesday, June 2, 2020

A Day in the Garden

Over Memorial Day weekend we had temperatures that reached 90 F.  Then this past weekend it was unseasonably cool with a high temperature in the 50s on Sunday.  But Monday, the first day of June, was perfect weather for gardening... sunny and with a high of 74 F.  I was outside working for seven hours.

I still have much to do; I will probably be working through the month of June.  However, a garden is beginning to emerge from the weeds.

Another one of my iris has begun to bloom.

When I tired of clearing out perennial beds, I planted some annuals in flower pots.  I also started to bring out some of my house plants.   I have two jasmine bushes which have survived five winters in the house.  And then there is the "monster", the humungous rubber tree plant which I have had for nearly thirty years.  My bedroom seems enormous without it inside!

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