Saturday, June 27, 2020

In the Garden

July is usually when my garden looks its best, and as we come to the end of June there are more and more plants blossoming.

Daisies by the birdbath

Purple loosestrife 

The delicate blossoms of the filipendula

Hostas are grown primarily as foliage plants, but some varieties have attractive flowers too.

The cheerful coreopsis is just beginning to bloom.

The German bearded iris and the Siberian iris have already bloomed.
Now it is the turn for the Japanese iris.

The flower box behind my bedroom that I plant with annuals is filling in nicely.

I like the variety of petunias known as "superpetunias" because they bloom prolifically, they do not become straggly, and they do not require deadheading. 

The miniature dahlias have also begun to bloom. 

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