Wednesday, June 3, 2020


For the past several weeks hand sanitizer has been available at the supermarket where I shop.  None of it has contained the 70% alcohol which is recommended for maximum effectiveness, so I have not bought any.  I still have some sanitizer at home, and I only use it when I am out of the house.  

Yesterday at the entrance to the store there was a display with a brand of sanitizer that was new to me... "Blumen".

It contains 70% alcohol.  From the name ("blumen" is German for "flowers") and the Swiss shield on the container, I thought that it must be imported from Switzerland.  I was surprised when I looked at the back and saw that it is made in Mexico.

They had large bottles, but I was not going to pay over $13 for hand sanitizer when most of the time I wash my hands with soap and water!  I did buy one of the smaller bottles however.

Later, when I talked with Alejandro, he said that he was familiar with the brand.  They make sanitizer and also liquid hand soap.  He said that there has been no shortage of sanitizer in Mexico.  I would hate to think that "Blumen" is importing their product north of the border at the expense of their Mexican customers.


  1. I haven't had any trouble getting anything like sanitizer, masks, toilet paper. Only large plastic baggies to put left over food in.......nada. I have resorted to foil. Strange.

    1. Alejandro said that the only thing that they have been unable to find is Lysol. Any sanitizing cleaning product is still hit and miss at the stores here.

    2. I haven't been able to find Lysol here anywhere either! I've been looking for months.

    3. On one of my trips to the grocery store, I found Lysol Multi-Purpose Spray with bleach. I have yet to find the product I normally use... Windex Multi-Surface Disinfectant Spray.

  2. It seems stores around here are only selling weird off-brands of hand sanitizer. Weeks ago I finally found one that had at least 70% alcohol so I bought it because I was desperate to have any. It smells like I'm using a mojito to clean my hands!

    1. Ha ha! I tried out the "Blumen" yesterday, and the smell reminded me of a vodka screwdriver.
