Monday, July 14, 2014

More pictures of Valencia

As I was sorting through my pictures I was struck once again by the beauty of Valencia, Spain.  Here are some more pictures which I did not post previously...

The Cathedral of Valencia
The rose window of the Cathedral
One place that we visited, that I did not mention when we were there, is Valencia's central market, one of the largest in Europe.

One of the numerous stalls in the market selling Spanish hams.  I failed in my earlier posts to mention the wonderful ham in Spain.  It is deep red and flavorful... so unlike the pale stuff we buy in the supermarkets here in the U.S.   The very best, "bellota" ham, is expensive.  It comes from free range pigs whose diet consists of acorns from the oak forests of southern Spain.  Delicious!!

And of course, there are the oranges for which Valencia is famous.  "Naranja muy dulces"... "very sweet oranges".
Valencia's extravagant city hall
A street scene in the Old City
Looking through the portal of one of the surviving medieval gates of Valencia.
Valencia is located on Spain's Mediterranean coast, so, in addition to all the history, architecture and culture, there are beautiful, broad beaches.
Valencia is most definitely a city that I would like to visit again!


  1. While you were in Spain, I was in a bit of a funk, didn't blog, and hardly read any other blogs. Now that I'm going back over your posts, I'm seeing what I was missing. As you know, I'm crazy about the kinds of places you've photographed so nicely. I wish I had read along. But fortunately, I can go back and enjoy some of those pictures and live vicariously through your experiences.


    Kim G
    Tehuacán, Puebla
    Where there are some remnants of a more genteel colonial past, but only remnants.

    1. Glad that you are out of your funk, and back to blogging and reading other blogs, and glad that you are traveling once again. Hope that you enjoy my posts about my European trip. The other day I went back and re-read all your posts about your grand road trip to Mexico... just as enjoyable on the second reading.
      Saludos y abrazos,
