Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I'm home

Yesterday I flew home to Ohio.  Everything went quite smoothly.  My flight from London Heathrow Airport left from the new Terminal 2.  I was impressed with the terminal.  I'm not sure if I was just lucky, but I did not have to stand in any long lines at all.  Even passing through security went quckly.  I had been reading that security was being beefed up for flights leaving for the U.S., that travelers would randomly have their electronic devices checked.  But I went through with a minimum of fuss, and had plenty of time to eat a leisurely breakfast before it was time to board the plane.

The long flight from London to Newark seemed to go by quickly.  I watched two movies.  The first was "Saving Mr. Banks", which told of the wrangling between Walt Disney and the British author P.L. Travers over the film adaptation of her "Mary Poppins" books.  Although it was not historically accurate, it was a very enjoyable movie.  The second film I watched was "Mary Poppins".  Can you believe that I had never seen that movie before?!

Before I knew it, were preparing for landing at Newark.  Things went smoothly there too, except for a half hour delay in my flight to Cleveland.

I arrived home at around 6:30 P.M. (11:30 P.M. London time), and very tired.  Nevertheless, I forced myself to stay up for a while to force myself back into the Cleveland timeframe.  Today I feel just a bit jet-lagged.

It was a great trip, but it's good to be home.


  1. Hey Bill! Welcome back. I need to catch up on your trip. I hope it was a ton of fun. I'm in Laredo on my way back to Tehuacán, via a weekend with Tino in Monterrey.


    Kim G
    Laredo, Tx
    Where I'm being addressed in Spanish everywhere. Which side of the border am I on?

    1. Hi Kim,
      Good to hear from you! I had a great time in Europe. You have a lot of catching up to do, since I faithfully wrote a post every day during the trip. LOL
      Hope you have a great time in Mexico, and say "Hola" to Tino for me.
      P.S. Hope that you will be writing on your blog during your stay south of the border!
