Saturday, July 5, 2014

A Day at the Races

The British Isles have a long tradition of horseracing, so when my cousin Kevin suggested that we go to a racetrack, it sounded like fun, especially since I had never been to a horse race before.

This afternoon Kevin, Sue, their younger son Scott, and I went to Sandown Park which is located in the suburb of Esher to the southwest of London.  Today they were holding one of the most important races of the year, the Eclipse Stakes.

There were seven races run today, and we placed a two pound minimum bet on each race.  Scott is too young to bet, so he and his mom chose a horse together, and Kevin and I each chose a different horse.  We figured that between the three horses there would be a fair chance that one of us would win.  

Sue and Scott won the first race.

I won the second race.  I had placed a bet on a horse named Extortionist, and my two pound bet earned me over 16 pounds.

We then went through several races without winning anything, including the big race, the Eclipse Stakes. However, in the sixth race, Kevin picked the winner.

So we were all winners, and at the end of the day came out about even.  It was a fun day!

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